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Batch 96 - Morning - DN/AS
28th January
28th January Recording (189:08)
28th January File
3rd February
3rd February Recording (188:03)
4th February
4th February Recording (192:11)
4th February Files
10th February
10th February Recording (175:29)
11th February
11th February Recording (147:25)
10th & 11th February Files
17th February
17th February Recording (181:50)
17th February File
18th February
18th February Recording (180:52)
18th February Files
24th February
24th February Recording (185:41)
25th February
25th February Recording (190:36)
24th and 25th February Files
2nd March
2nd March Recording (185:03)
2nd March File
3rd March
3rd March Recording (196:50)
3rd March File
9th March
9th March Recording (177:44)
10th March
10th March Recording (180:02)
9th & 10th March Files
16th March
16th March Recording (181:21)
16th March File
17th March
17th March Recording (182:01)
17th March File
23rd March
23rd March Recording (177:38)
30the March
30th March Recording (185:30)
31st March
31st March Recording (179:25)
31st March Files
13th April
13th April Recording (184:25)
14th April
14th April Recording (180:07)
13th and 14th April Files
20th April
20th April Recording (190:00)
21st April
21st April Recording (173:51)
4th May
4th May Recording (199:48)
4th May File
5th May
5th May Recording (179:01)
5th May File
11th May
11th May Recording (183:52)
12th May
12th May Recording (180:37)
Files for the weekend
18th May
18th May Recording (172:56)
19th May
19th May Recording (176:41)
18th & 19th May Files
25th May
25th May Recording (181:52)
25th May File
26th May
26th May Recording (183:31)
26th May File
1st June
1st June Recording (187:39)
2nd June
2nd June Recording (187:09)
2nd June File
9th June
9th June Recording Part-1 (74:45)
9th June Recording Part-2 (115:21)
9th June File
15th June
15th June Recording (188:48)
16th June
16th June Recording (186:22)
15th & 16th June Files
22nd June
22nd June Recording (189:16)
23rd June
23rd June Recording (187:36)
22nd & 23rd June Files
29th June
29th June Recording (179:26)
29th June File
30th June
30th June Recording (177:19)
Career Building Session
Career Building Session - 4th July (90:06)
Career Building Session PPT
Career Building Session 5th July (92:09)
Career Building Session Files
6th July
6th July Recording (120:07)
Further Placement Assistance Process
Further Placement Assistance Process (56:55)
Resumes building and Sample Interview Questions
Sample Resume
Sample Resume
Sample Interview Questions
Handy Tips for Aspiring Data Scientist to make a resume
Company wise Data Science Questions
What should a candidate ask in an interview
Getting Started
What is PowerBi ? (9:20)
PowerBi Desktop Installation (5:12)
PowerBi Walkthrough (6:19)
Introduction to Database (26:50)
Introduction to Database objects (48:28)
Installing SQL Server (8:44)
Installing Sample Database (7:19)
Introduction to Relational Database - Codds Rules (52:14)
Learning ER Diagram (42:17)
Create Tables and Insert using SQL Server (26:24)
Reading content from the Database (51:14)
Introduction to OLAP Database (14:55)
Schema Modelling - Star vs Snowflake (29:55)
Connecting to Data
How to Configure SSMS and SQL Server DB Power BI (48:15)
Connecting to CSV (7:19)
Practice with CSV file (7:52)
Connecting to Excel File with Data (9:22)
Connecting to Hidden Sheet in Excel (3:36)
Connecting with Excel sheet with blank columns (4:00)
Read password protected excel file (6:08)
Read formula from Excel (6:39)
Practice with Excel Data (12:12)
Connecting to Folder of Data (6:22)
Practice with Folder Data (10:57)
Getting Data from Web (4:36)
Web Data Practice (21:03)
Overview of Connecting to SQL Server (6:23)
Connecting to SQL Server and Understanding the data (12:12)
Creating and Importing SQL Views using Import (24:46)
Reading using SQL Query (19:54)
Connecting to ESPN CricInfo (4:26)
Connecting to MYSQL DB (11:08)
Connecting to SQLITE DB (5:17)
Connecting to Wikipedia (3:26)
Include or Exclude part of Visualization (2:20)
Creating Visuals
Line Chart (6:22)
Stacked Bar Chart (4:49)
100 pc Stacked Bar Chart (4:54)
Pie Chart (5:24)
Donut Chart (3:56)
Area Chart (6:04)
Stacked Area Chart (4:23)
Line and Stack Chart (5:48)
Line and Clustered Chart (2:45)
Waterfall Model (7:11)
Key Influencer Chart (6:56)
Funnel Chart (6:28)
Gauge Chart (4:50)
Ribbon Chart (7:24)
Card KPI (4:07)
Sankey Chart (6:30)
Scatter Chart (7:34)
Indicator KPI (6:01)
Bow Tie Chart (7:38)
Tree Map (5:17)
Advance Infographic (7:23)
How to change Aggregation or Calculation type (6:29)
How to create matrix or pivot chart (4:10)
Table Chart (5:12)
Animated Bar Race Chart (7:13)
Bullet Chart (6:38)
Tree Based Custom Visualization (5:45)
World Cloud Visualization (5:10)
Tornado Chart (6:24)
Visual For Natural Language Processing (5:34)
Show or Hide Visualization on Dash board (6:24)
Data Wrangling
Relative Date Filter Tutorial for selecting Previous and Period Range (3:27)
Create a new custom PowerBi table (6:22)
Create a summarized table from existing table (7:02)
Mini Project Connect clean and Model Data (47:30)
Create a new measure PowerBi to keep all measures at one place (4:03)
PowerBi Advance Date Filtering Tutorial with Example (6:21)
Create a new table in PowerBi from existing table based on filter conditions (3:55)
Drill through Filter Tutorial with example to connect pages (7:43)
Create and Use PowerBi Hierarchy (3:56)
Numeric Field Formatting and Conditional Formatting (5:13)
Totals and Sub Totals in Matrix or Pivot Table (4:22)
Visual vs Page vs Page All Filters (3:42)
Changing or Formatting Slicer (6:30)
How to create PowerBi Text Slicer (7:26)
How to create Date Slicer (7:45)
Dax Introduction (5:19)
Discussion on DAX funtions (7:01)
DAX Example (4:16)
DAX Calculated Column (14:17)
Find Values for Every Last Day of the Year (4:23)
DAX Function ClosingBalanceQuarter to find the value at the last day of Quarter (3:03)
DAX Function ClosingBalanceYear to capture on the last day of the year (3:07)
DAX Function DatesMTD and Calculation for running month to date cumulative values (3:37)
DAX Function DatesQTD and calculating for running quarter to date cumulative values (6:54)
DAX Time Intellingence Date Add Function Calculation to get Historical and Future Values (9:37)
DAX Function DatesYTD and Calculation for running year to date cumulative values (7:10)
DAX Time Intelligence Date Function to calculate values between two dates (4:04)
Time Intelligence Dax Function to find the value on last day of the month (3:53)
End to end Visualization
Visualization 1 - Big Picture (54:38)
Working with Call Center Data (49:23)
Sales Insights Performance Dashboard (83:18)
Data Quality Analysis (34:56)
Customer Ageing Analysis (26:30)
Customer Ageing
V4 KPI List
17th March Recording
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