Completed String theory as well methods, Done with List Data Structure, Done with Tuple's theory and methods, Hands on practice for these three data structures on jupyter notebook
Started with Lambda Functions - User defined Functions - Global and Local Variable with global and local functions - Hands on practice for each topics on Jupyter notebook - Function Arguments
Modules in Python - Math and Random Modules - Exception Handling - Hands on practice for each of them - Files in Python - File Operations - Data Science Introduction
Business Intelligence Theory - Data Mining Theory - Analytics Theory - Excel Functions - Basic formula - Date Formula - Logic Formula - All if and ifs functions
Numpy Theory - Numpy Functions - Flatten, Ravel, etc. - Have practiced all Numpy functions in Jupyter Notebook - Assignment can be found in same Notebook file
Pandas Theory - Series and it's functions - Series manipulation - Data Frame - Data Frame manipulation and different functions - Practiced Jupyter notebook code for it
Accessing rows and columns in dataframe - Updating values in dataframe - Sorting DataFrames - Groupby in Pandas - Deleting value in dataframe - Read and write a file using pandas - Started with concept of Joins in Pandas
Standard Scaling, Normalization - Introduction to Matplotlib - Matplotlib Installation - Line Plot in Matplotlib - Scatter Plot in Matplotlib - Pie chart in Matplotlib - Handling Outlier for multiple cols(updated code)
Random Forest Theory, Project using Random Forest Algorithm, K-means Clustering theory and intuition , Code on K-means, Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering
Completed Hierarchical Clustering , Code on Hierarchical Clustering, Introduction to Deep Learning , Epochs, Activation Function, Neural Network, etc. ,Code for Implementation of Deep Learning