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Ethical Hacking Class 103 - Feb'21
1. Introduction To Ethical Hacking
1.1 Introduction To Ethical Hacking - 28 feb'21 (111:37)
1. Notes for Basics of Ethical Hacking
2. Notes for Basics of Ethical Hacking
3. Notes for modules 1 and 2
2. Basics of Networking
2.1 Basics of Networking - Part 1 (190:41)
1. Notes for Basics of Networking
2.2 Basics of networking - part 2 - 7 March'21 (110:21)
3. Virtualization and Basics of Kali Linux
3.1 Virtualization - 18 March'21 (117:22)
1. Notes for Virtualization
2. Notes for basics of kali linux
3. Kali Linux Cheat sheet
Assignment for Moules 1-3
4. Linux everything pdf
3.2 Basic commands of kali linux and how to install Nessus - 20 March - part 1 (77:51)
4. Footprinting
4.1 Footprinting - part 1- 20 March'21 (98:05)
1. Notes for footprinting
2. Notes for footprinting
3. Notes for footprinting
Assignment on footprinting
4. Notes for footprinting
4.2 Footprinting - part 2 - 21 march'21 (141:48)
5. Scanning and vulnerability assessment
27 march (103:20)
28 March (37:03)
1. Notes for Scanning
2. Notes for Scanning
3. Notes for Scanning
Assignment for Scanning
3 April (119:35)
4. Notes for Vulnerability Assessment
Assignment for vulnerability assessment
6. Penetration testing, enumeration, windows hacking - creating malicious payload
Vulnerability Assessment - Nessus working , Penetration System - 10 April (136:50)
Enumeration - part 1 - 11 April (83:09)
Enumeration - part 2 and creation of payload- 17 April (152:19)
5. Notes for penetration testing
6. Notes for penetration testing
5. Notes for Enumeration
6. Notes for enumeration
7. Notes for enumeration
6. Hacking Windows - Password cracking, Keyloggers, spywares
6.1 6. Hacking Windows - Password cracking, Keyloggers, spywares - 18 april (143:11)
1. Notes for Hacking windows platform
2. Notes for Hacking windows platform
3. Notes for Hacking windows platform
4. Notes for password cracking
5. Notes for keyloggers and spywares
7. Introduction To malwares - Trojan, RAT, Virus and Worm
Introduction To malwares - Trojan, RAT, Virus and Worm - 25 April (120:17)
1. Basics of malware
2. Notes for virus and worm
3. Notes for virus and worm
4. Notes for TROJAN and RAT
8. Stegnography and Cryptography
8. 1 Stegnography and introduction to cryptography- 1 may (129:56)
1. Notes for stegnography
9. Cryptography part 2 , cloud computing and Social Engineering and Phishing
9.1 Social Engineering and Cryptography , cloud computing - 2 May (131:27)
1. Notes for social engineering and phishing
2. Notes for social engineering and phishing
3. Notes for social engineering and phishing
4. Notes for cryptography
5. Notes for cryptography
6. Notes for cryptography
10. Sniffing
10.1 Sniffing - 11 may'21 (143:24)
1. Notes for Sniffing
2. Notes for Sniffing
3. Notes for Sniffing
11. DOS and DDOS
11.1 DOS and DDOS - 15 May'21 (116:12)
1. Notes for DOS and DDOS
2. Notes for DOS and DDOS
12. SQL Injection and IOT
12. 1 SQL Injection, IOT - 16 May'21 (116:54)
1. Notes for SQL Injection
2. Notes for IOT
13. Cross Site Scripting
13.1 Cross Site Scripting and Credit card fraud - 22 May'21 (147:24)
1. Notes for cross site scripting
2. Notes for cross site scripting
13. Hacking wireless Network
13.1 Hacking wireless Network (10:08)
13.2 Hacking wireless Network (7:42)
13.3 Hacking wireless Network (3:12)
13.4 Hacking wireless Network (3:40)
13.5 Hacking wireless Network (3:09)
13.6 Hacking wireless Network (4:16)
13.7 Hacking wireless Network
13.8 Creating security policies and wifi hacking - 23 May (158:54)
1. Notes for wifi hacking
14. Hiding files and clearing tracks, Email HAcking - 26 May
Hiding files and clearing tracks, Email HAcking - 26 May (144:31)
15. web server hacking, firewall, IDS,IPS, Honeypots - 28 may
web server hacking, firewall, IDS,IPS, Honeypots - 28 may (177:47)
16. Session Hijacking
1. Notes for session hijacking
2. Notes for session hijacking
16.1 Session Hijacking - part 1 (48:49)
16.2 Session hijacking part 2 (27:21)
16.3 Session hijacking part 3 (114:23)
17. Mobile Platform Hacking
17.1 Mobile Platform Hacking -part 1 (47:22)
1. Notes for mobile platform hacking
17.2 Mobile Platform Hacking - part 2 (135:38)
16.2 Session hijacking part 2
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